Jane Hwang Degenhardt
Journal Articles and Book Chapters

"Early Modern Race-Work: History Methodology and Politics, in The Arden Handbook of Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama, eds. Michelle Dowd and Tom Rutter (Bloomsbury, 2023).
"Globability: The Virtue of Worlding," in Shakespeare and Virtue, eds. Julia Reinhard Lupton and Donovan Sherman (Cambridge UP, 2023).
“Globe, World, Region: Experiencing the In-Between in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors,” coauthored with Henry S. Turner, Exemplaria 33.2 (2021): 158-83.
"Performing the Sea: Fortune, Risk, and Audience Engagement in Pericles," Renaissance Drama 48.1 (Spring 2020): 103-129.
“Between Shakespeare, the World and Me,” The Rambling (https://the-rambling.com/2019/01/26/issue3-degenhardt/), January 26, 2019.
"The Reformation, Inter-imperial World History, and Marlowe's Doctor Faustus," PMLA 130.2 (2015): 401-11.
“Purifying the Pursuit of Gold in Thomas Heywood’s Fair Maid of the West,” Historical Affects and the Early Modern Theater, eds. Michelle Dowd, Ronda Arab, and Adam Zucker (Routledge, 2015), 152-68.
“The Metatheatrical Mediterranean: Theatrical Contrivance and Miraculous Reunion,” Representing Imperial Rivalry in the Early Modern Mediterranean, eds. Barbara Fuchs and Emily Weissbourd (University of Toronto Press, 2015), 221-48.
“Cracking the Mysteries of ‘China’: China(ware) in the Early Modern Imagination,” Studies in Philology 110.1 (Spring 2013): 133-68. Winner of the Louis Round Wilson Prize for best article of 2013.
“Foreign Worlds,” The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare, ed. Arthur Kinney (Oxford University Press, 2011), 433-57.
"Introduction" to Religion and Drama in Early Modern England (Routledge, 2011).
“Catholic Prophylactics and Islam’s Sexual Threat: Preventing and Undoing Sexual Defilement in Massinger’s The Renegado,” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 9.1 (Spring/Summer 2009): 62-92.
“Situating the Essential Alien: Sui Sin Far’s Depiction of Chinese-White Marriage and the Exclusionary Logic of Citizenship,” Modern Fiction Studies 54.4 (Winter 2008): 654-88.
“Virgin Martyrdom in Dekker and Massinger’s The Virgin Martyr and the Contemporary Threat of Turning Turk,” ELH 73.1 (Spring 2006): 83-118.
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